How do we improve retention in the secondary school math classroom?

Category: Resources

NCTM Illuminations

Click here to view the website

Description: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) has a plethora of resources for Math teachers but their site Illuminations, is the most appropriate to developing conceptual understanding. Illuminations has a bunch of different lesson plans, games and other interactive software that can be used to help students understand what they are learning in a deeper way. The lesson plans can only be accessed if you have a paid membership but all of the interactives are available for free.

NRICH Math from the University of Cambridge

Click here to view the website.

Description: The University of Cambridge built this resource to promote deeper problem solving skills and conceptual understanding in the math classroom. Their rationale behind creating the resource was based on the Kilpatrick Rope Model which illustrates the characteristics of a good Mathematician. The site has many different open ended problems and interactive tasks that promote conceptual understanding based on grade level. As a teacher candidate wanting to teach more conceptual understanding in the math class when I am in the field, the more example problems and tasks I can find to use, the better. I have also posted their introduction video from their website below.

Video by NRICH on YouTube

Dan Meyer’s 3 Act Math Problems

Click here to see the list with links to many 3 act math problems.

Description: Part of conceptually understanding a topic in math is being able to apply algorithms and procedures to open ended problems. Dan Meyer is a leader in the field of giving students well though-out, open ended problems to promote conceptual understanding. He uses the concept of “3 Acts” to a problem meaning progressively more specific questions as you go through each act and then other teachers can add questions to the “sequel.” The link above will take you to a google doc that Dan Meyer has created that lists links to many of these “3 Act” problems.


Click here to go to the Gizmos website.

Description: Gizmos says they are “The world’s largest library of math and science simulations.” Gizmos is free with a sign up required, but with that account you get access to all of the simulations the website has to offer. One interesting part about this site is you can find simulations based on what province’s curriculum you are in and what class and grade level you are teaching.

Didax: Virtual Manipulatives

Click here to go to the Didax website.

Description: Didax is a website that has many different free virtual manipulatives that can be used in the math classroom including Algebra Tiles which have been proven to improve memory retention and a better conceptual understanding (See Research section). There are many other free virtual manipulatives including fraction tiles, geoboards, and prime factor tiles. Along with these manipulatives are “how to” videos that explain how to use each virtual manipulative and specific activities for the classroom that use each virtual manipulative.